Social projects

DCA Inclusion @ Work Week 2023

From the 6th November to the 10th of November, we celebrate Inclusion @ Work Week, a digital campaign that runs across social media every year in November. Founded by Diversity Council Australia, #InclusionAtWorkWeek celebrates and acknowledges the diversity and inclusion in Australian workplaces.

KAEFER Integrated Services is a proud member of Diversity Council Australia. Respect for the individual is one of KAEFER’s core values, which we achieve through thoughtful interaction to foster diversity and inclusivity.

As an organisation, we are committed to embracing these values at work and recognise the benefits that this brings across employee health & wellbeing, innovation, and performance.

KAEFER Integrated Services
Delivering across full asset lifecycles, from construction to asset integrity, maintenance & shutdowns.
Contact us now +61 8 9224 4600