Contact Us

Head Office
Phone: +61 8 9224 4600

The submitted personal data is to be used exclusively for dealing with your request and will subsequently be deleted. KAEFER will not transfer the personal data outside the KAEFER Group.

Our locations in Australia

KAEFER has an es­tab­lished and widespread presence across Aus­tralia, operating in the country for almost 40 years.

We have of­fices loc­ated in Perth (Head Office), Naval Base, Geraldton, Kal­goorlie, Ad­elaide, Darwin, Gladstone and Mackay as well as fully-equipped work­shop facilities located in Naval Base, Kalgoorlie, Ger­aldton, Darwin, Gladstone and Mackay to sup­port our site-based teams.

Please click on a location for contact details for each of our locations across Australia.