When it counts, count on us.

What We Do

Multidisciplinary teams delivering across maintenance, shutdowns and projects.

We specialise in the delivery of mechanical and electrical services, access solutions, surface protection, insulation & cladding, pass­ive fire pro­tec­tion, mar­ine struc­tures remedia­tion, asbestos management and other specialist services.

Structural, Mechanical & Piping (SMP)

Electrical & Instrumentation

Access Solutions

Surface Protection

Insulation & Cladding

Where we Operate

Expert solutions for global industries

From en­ergy and min­ing through to mar­ine and infrastructure, we provide products, sys­tems, solutions and services for cli­ents around the globe.


Our Experience

Ichthys LNG Project Construction

Our Experience

Olympic Dam BARS Project

Our Experience

West Pilbara SI Remediation


Rio Tinto


Pilbara Region, Western Australia





Work With Us

Our people are our greatest assets.

The sheer di­versity not only of our di­vi­sions, in­dus­tries and projects, but also of our multinational and mul­ti­tal­en­ted employees makes KAEFER an ex­cit­ing place to work and grow. But don’t just take our word for it. 

Our Company

An es­tab­lished and widespread presence across Australia.

We have multidisciplinary teams nationally de­liv­er­ing our services across major projects, sustaining cap­ital, maintenance, shutdowns and asset integrity works.

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