Global LNG Solutions

KAEFER has earned an ex­cel­lent reputation as a lead­ing player in the Global LNG Mar­ket. KAE­FER’s ap­proach to busi­ness is based on an understanding that today’s industry leaders and its cli­ents demand safer, more intelligent and resourceful an­swers to solving their individual chal­lenges and project-spe­cific demands.

KAE­FER’s LNG busi­ness cov­ers high performance in­su­la­tion on gas plants and pipelines as well as storage and transportation tanks. Our ser­vices include engineering, design, pro­ject execution, purchase of ma­ter­i­als and services, job site man­age­ment and consultancy to each re­lated KAEFER activity – onshore and offshore.

With the global de­mand for clean en­ergy and that in par­tic­u­lar de­rived from LNG, KAEFER has established two LNG Solutions Research Centres specifically to support the abil­ity to de­liver safe, reliable and in­tel­li­gent re­sources to major LNG Pro­jects. The centres in­clude highly motivated teams com­mit­ted to the en­tire life cycle of the pro­ject from initiation and plan­ning through to execution and clos­ure. Located in Perth, Aus­tralia, and at our Head Of­fice in Bremen, Germany, these centres have the ability to rep­lic­ate cryo­genic conditions to test innovative solu­tions for a range of is­sues commonly encountered on LNG plants.

Our Core LNG Services

Access Solutions

Surface Protection

Insulation Cladding

Passive Fire Protection

Specialist Services

Global LNG Solutions Projects