KAEFER Integrated Services’ team at the Muja Power Station is proudly getting behind Movember this year, with a number of team members growing a “mo” to raise funds and awareness towards men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer and suicide.
One of our Scaffolders, Cayle (pictured top right), has bravely shared his personal motivation for getting involved:
“I’m going to be sporting a “mo” this Movember in aid of promoting men’s health and mental health. I have been a survivor of anxiety and depression caused by PTSD for most of my 44 years on this planet, but didn’t realise, or wasn’t diagnosed until I had a massive nervous breakdown when I was around 34 years of age. Since then it’s been one hell of a ride of counselling, medication, more counselling, and more importantly, lots of love from my friends and family that has given me the strength to carry on.”
To raise funds for the campaign, Cayle is broadcasting live video blogs, taking requests to sing songs as well as sharing stories from his life to encourage others to be open in sharing their own experiences related to wellbeing and mental health.
We would like to congratulate Cayle and the team at Muja for supporting this important initiative.