Xmas Campaign 2020/21


Late last year, KAEFER Integrated Services launched our annual Christmas safety campaign with a focus on Finishing 2020 Strong and Starting 2021 Stronger. As part of the campaign, we asked employees to share experiences of why it was important to keep safe over the holiday period, the SAFE Choices they were making to ensure this, as well as what our teams could do to ensure we all Start Strong together in 2021. We received over 500 entries from KAEFER employees during the campaign, with personal experiences shared daily to remind us of the importance in remaining injury-free.

We are also very pleased to report zero recordable injuries or incidents throughout the December-January period. The aim now is to build on this momentum and ensure 2021 is the safest year KAEFER has ever recorded. By making SMART Choices, we can ensure we all remain fit and healthy both at work and at home.

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