Olympic Dam TSF6 & EP6 Project

KAEFER (through acquired business G&S) was engaged by BHP to deliver the TSF6 and EP6 scopes.

BHP’s Olympic Dam; located in Roxby Downs, South Australia; mines, processes, smelts and refines the ore to final copper, uranium, gold and silver products. The copper uranium ore processing operations at Olympic Dam produces a waste stream of acidic tailings slurry and required the following upgrades:

  • Additional evaporation capacity and storage volume to manage tailings decant (liquor) to sustain operations (EP6) Project
  • Sites’ tailings storage reached capacity in 2021 and therefore a new tailings storage facility (TSF6) and new tailings disposals pumping train was required

The TSF6 and EP6 scopes consist of the following:

  • Brownfields works including modifications to the existing disposal tanks, structural steel deconstruction, shutdowns and tie-ins
  • Additional tailings pumping train to deliver tailings to TSF6 including overland piping (HDPE), civil works, pump stations and electrical works
  • New HV overhead infrastructure
  • New EP6 (A/B/C) pump stations including civil works, pump station, switch room, electrical works and pig launcher receivers
  • Overland piping (HDPE) including tie-in to new EP4 booster pump station




Olympic Dam, South Australia



